Monthly Archives: March 2025

Dominant Culture Fragility

Reservation Dogs Deer Lady doing what needs to be done

Native people are angry and with damn good reasons

Native people have been practically exterminated in North America. The killing and oppression have not stopped. It may be under-reported in mainstream (white culture) media, but Native people see non-stop deaths. Our women and children are raped, dismembered and more. Our coffins are garbage bags. Our graves are garbage dumps. All this is a continuum that stretches from invasion to today.

But yeah, let’s talk about your white fragility. Or its evil sibling, fragility of the assimilated. Or dominant religion fragility. Or liberal politics fragility. Or numerous other facets of the dominant white-drenched culture of North America. Geez, give me a break…

All social media is filled with racism and bigotry

It’s not just Nazis and conservatives either. There is plenty of racism and bigotry in the liberal quarters. Even in the far left or the authoritarian left. It’s been pretty amusing and so rich watching the dominant culture of all stripes squirm and shudder, finally feeling a fraction of what BIPOC and other marginalized people have always known and felt from day one, as the fascist Trump administration puts them too in its sights.

And by the way – no, doesn’t hate white or non-Native people. We celebrate diverse cultures. We don’t try to homogenize them. has some amazing allies who join Native people in equality and don’t need to dominate and oppress. Of course Native culture is a bit more expressive, more sexually liberated, more foul mouthed, less colonizer religious, and understandably more pissed off than the dominant culture. Any true ally gets it, and gets it without fragility tizzies.

The case for Native ownership and moderation

All the above demands Native social media ownership and moderation as the only solution. There is no non-Native social media that can respect us. Or protect us and our Native values. Even our very lives. Not on Mastodon (Fediverse), not on Bluesky, and certainly not on Xitter or Meta social media. Native people need to control our own digital land and destiny. doesn’t get a lot of moderation reports, but when we do most of them are anti-Native and follow a similar path. No broken rules referenced, just ‘Other’. No description of the complaint, just check-marking Native posts or replies. Most likely because if you put a description to the racism, bigotry or fragility, it would sound incredibly stupid and wrong as it actually is. The moderation reports are just yet another racism, bigotry or fragility weapon. There are no valid justifications. Just dominant culture shitasses being shitasses.

The dominant culture needs to stop being so sensitive. They need to open their eyes and flush their own toilet. Stop killing and oppressing Native people. And yes, even on social media.

Native people are done with keeping our mouths shut and our culture hidden or legislated away.

#LandBack #DigitalLandBack #MMIWG2S


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Indigenous Critical Reflections

Indigenous Critical Reflections On Traditional Ecological Knowledge – Edited by Lara A. Jacobs

I read a lot, pretty much day and night, but mostly social media and short to medium length news or information articles. I don’t read many full length books these days. I just don’t have the brain bandwidth considering how much else I read. So, when I do buy and read a book, you can believe it is special.

Indigenous Critical Reflections On Traditional Ecological Knowledge, is one such book. This book is definitely my top 2025 choice.

Lara A. Jacobs is a citizen of Muscogee (Creek) Nation with Choctaw heritage. She is a complex systems scientist who focuses her research on Indigenous value systems, TEK, the ecological and pathogenic impacts of outdoor recreation activities on Tribal treaty lands, co-equity-based management and #LANDBACK paradigms.

Melinda M. Adams
Joe Anderson
Coral Avery
Andrew Kalani Carlson
Kathryn Champagne
Brandie Makeba Cross
Joanna M. DeMeyer
Jonathan James Fisk
Pat Gonzales-Rogers
Celina Gray
Rhode Grayson
Zena Greenawald
Jennifer Grenz
Joy Harjo
Mandi Harris
Jessica Hernandez
Victor Hernandez

David Iniguez
Michelle M. Jacob
Lara A. Jacobs
Lydia L. Jennings
Eileen Jimenez
Stephanie Kelley
David G. Lewis
Tomás A. Madrigal
Tara McAllister
Lauren Wendelle Yowelunh
Angeles Mendoza
Kat Milligan-McClellan
Todd A. Mitchell swalítub
Don Motanic
‘Alohi Nakachi
Kaikea Nakachi
Kobe Natachu

Ululani Kekahiliokalani
Brigitte Russo Oana
Jennifer R. O’Neal
Lily Painter
Britt Postoak
Leasi Vanessa Lee Raymond
Anamag Margaret H. C. Rudolf
Oral Saulters
Sam Schimmel
Paulette Steeves
Joni Tobacco
Angelo Villagomez
Vivi Vold
Margaret Palaghicon Von Rotz
Luhui Whitebear
Joseph Gazing Wolf
Monique Wynecoop
Cherry YEW Yamane

Order here, and use promo code S25 for 20% off and free domestic US shipping:
Indigenous Critical Reflections On Traditional Ecological Knowledge

Settler Colonialism Introduction

Lara is also the author of Settler Colonialism Introduction which she graciously allowed us to copy to this site and is a huge hit on The Settler Colonialism Introduction post at has moved a couple times, so the boost/favorite totals are incomplete, but there have been hundreds and hundreds of boosts (reposts) and favorites (likes). Many people have found Lara’s slides on this important subject to be tremendously helpful and educational.

Anyhoo, I totally recommend you grab a copy of Indigenous Critical Reflections On Traditional Ecological Knowledge. You will be glad you did.


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