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A Native perspective: vs. Bluesky Part 2

A screenshot of Media Mode courtesy of

Continued from:
A Native perspective: vs. Bluesky Part 1

Boring but super important technical details runs on plain vanilla Mastodon, the most stable and widely supported kind. We also use professionally managed hosting. Together, these mean developer level support. may be a small community but we are part of a large block of Mastodon instances that receive very adequate attention. Software updates including important security patches are applied within a few hours of release and seamlessly (no downtime). Our uptime is as good as it gets. Configuration files, media and database storage are backed up daily to a remote secure object storage (again no downtime). Content is enterprise-level safe.

Not all Mastodon instances can make the technical superiority claims that we make. And Bluesky, with its multi-million dollar setup and information technology team, has nothing on us. is equal to or (most likely) better than any enterprise level social media. As a retired IT professional, it is very important to me that runs grief-free and without technical excitement. I like to sleep during sleep hours…

Similar but different

Both and Bluesky are Twitter-type clones. The basic look and operation are very similar. posts allow up to 500 characters and unlimited live editing though. Bluesky posts allow up to 300 characters and no live editing. In actual use, these two facets make for an improved experience on 500 characters makes a huge difference in the amount of multi-post messages as well as the content quality of your posts. Editing fixes a lot of typos and stops a lot of reposting for typos or updates.

Better, more accurate posts equals more engagement and less misunderstanding.

On the other hand, an organization that needs to post content on both platforms will find it easy to cut and paste content from Bluesky to The reverse however, may not fit into Bluesky without breaking your post into two posts.

Media mode is great for artists

The media tab on Bluesky filters out posts with no media, that’s it. On, the media tab also filters out posts with no media, but additionally goes into an Instagram-like grid mode (see header image above), which is very cool. I even have a 2nd account geared just for media mode to replace Instagram.

Happy days… this is a real strong point for artists, photographers or anyone that wants a portfolio of their work. My hope is that Mastodon continues to improve media mode, which is already great.

As a side note, the Fediverse Instagram clone which shall remain nameless, pretty much sucks, especially from an independent server perspective, so I was very glad to discover this.

Direct Messages

In my opinion Mastodon Private Mentions (Chat) kind of suck. On Bluesky, Chat is a separate function, pretty easy and clear. On Mastodon, Private Mentions are part of the regular post function with a private flag that is easy to forget and accidentally produce a public post (eek!). Personally, I would suggest Signal over either private message function anyways, but for small communications on Mastodon, just be careful. It usually takes one kablooey to learn your lesson, ha!

Federation differences

As I mentioned in Part 1, is part of a federation of ‘over 8000 Mastodon instances. Billionaire corporate independence is a reality today’. There is a rich variety of privately owned Mastodon instances of all types of communities that is federated with today. Not only is Mastodon federation mature and problem free, but the cost of entry is relatively low and within reach of small groups, thus enabling unique communities like to exist and thrive.

Technically, Bluesky is federated (to a proprietary standard), but the feature is unimplemented. The design is such that cost of entry is high, requiring expensive servers, centralized connection/resources, and major technical expertise.

Bluesky is centralized and susceptible to billionaire takeover

Regardless of the Bluesky ‘billionaire-proof’ lie, it is very susceptible to being forced by the fascist Trump administration to be MAGA friendly. Bluesky is also a prime candidate for a billionaire buyout. In fact, the more successful Bluesky is, the more likely it is that it will be bought out and/or forced to be MAGA friendly.

I hate to say it but it is sad to see people joyfully breaking free from Elon Musk and his X disaster, or Meta and their nonsense, to only be setting themselves up as prime targets for another digital refugee situation.

Again, fortunately, servers are in France. Mastodon servers are privately owned, there are far too many of them to centrally control. Even if the Mastodon flagship sold its soul (which is very unlikely) the Fediverse network itself is an embraced standard (unlike the proprietary Bluesky standard) and the open source servers (with low cost of entry) would continue on. And of course, Mastodon has account portability, so you can move your account to any one of the more than 8000+ instances.


This link will become live when Part 3 (The best parts, culture and security!) is released shortly:
A Native perspective: vs. Bluesky Part 3

Please check back. Mvto!

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A Native perspective: vs. Bluesky Part 1

Both have pros and cons, let’s start with background

For background, most people reading this understand that X (formerly Twitter) and Meta (Instagram and Facebook) are owned by slimeball MAGA billionaires and are very disrespectful to BIPOC and left of center people. I’m not going to expound on that.

That said, for many it is difficult to disengage from X and Meta for a variety of reasons. Primarily BIPOC communities, institutions and brands. Institutions ranging from government to brands to entertainment stars, etc. are deeply embedded in commercial social media.

For me, Facebook is hard to ditch. As an off the rez urban Native, it is a primary information connection to my Native Nation and its resources, and other important Indian country tribal information. Many Native people, especially creatives are deeply connected to Instagram. X as disgusting as it is, is still the go to place for at this moment news and official government information etc.

BIPOC communities can be significant on all those platforms. Many Native people and organizations have thousands and thousands of followers. In most cases, those followers are not just numbers but real important community members. There are many personal and business relationships that you just don’t throw away without pain, or even total destruction. is born

In my mind, October 27, 2022 was the seminal moment, when Elon Musk bought Twitter. Within a week or so, in November of 2022, my favorite relative Tzipporah and I joined a Mastodon instance. Within a month, we decided to operate our own instance and on December 5, 2022, what was to become was alive. A short stint as was too narrowly focused we decided. We switched to which was great, but even though woodpeckers were important medicine birds to us, it didn’t ring out as a Native Indigenous instance to others, so on July 19, 2023 the final configuration of opened. This has been super, and won’t change.

On September 10, 2023, moved to managed hosting, a huge step forward in reliability, performance and expandability. This also freed up a lot of my time allowing me to concentrate more on building community instead of system administration. The upshot was now we had the best possible Mastodon instance. We were ready for high demand or celebrity users. The sky was the limit for Native owned and operated social media.

The most important facts here: is a Native owned and operated Mastodon instance. Beyond that, there are already over 8000 Mastodon instances. Billionaire corporate independence is a reality today.

Bluesky is born

There has been a lot written about this that I won’t duplicate, but Bluesky opened registrations to the general public on February 6, 2024, a year after its release as an invite-required beta. I think everyone knows that Bluesky came from the belly of Twitter, and is a traditional billionaire owned tech company. All the typical billionaire social media risks apply to Bluesky. In standard corporate baloney fashion, Bluesky touts itself as “billionaire-proof”, but real hurdles to this imaginary freedom exist. Especially for BIPOC people, the cost for entry is too high. It is not realistic to fork off from Bluesky. But for now, Bluesky is left of center leaning and friendly to BIPOC people.

The most important facts here: Bluesky is a centralized platform, meaning it is owned and operated by a single billionaire drenched entity. The imagined “billionaire-proof” freedom Bluesky touts is a pipe dream. and Bluesky provide new ways forward

At this point in time, I consider both and Bluesky to be essential for Native/Indigenous social media experiences. Ordinarily I try to think forward 7 generations, but I don’t think any specific social media will last that long. However I do think it is worthwhile to consider what will happen over the next 10 or 20 years. Seriously, today there is a lot of pressure on social media and all forms of news and information to succumb not only to billionaire whims, but to a quickly degrading fascist US government as well.

Fortunately, servers are in France.


A Native perspective: vs. Bluesky Part 2

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Dominant Culture Fragility

Reservation Dogs Deer Lady doing what needs to be done

Native people are angry and with damn good reasons

Native people have been practically exterminated in North America. The killing and oppression have not stopped. It may be under-reported in mainstream (white culture) media, but Native people see non-stop deaths. Our women and children are raped, dismembered and more. Our coffins are garbage bags. Our graves are garbage dumps. All this is a continuum that stretches from invasion to today.

But yeah, let’s talk about your white fragility. Or its evil sibling, fragility of the assimilated. Or dominant religion fragility. Or liberal politics fragility. Or numerous other facets of the dominant white-drenched culture of North America. Geez, give me a break…

All social media is filled with racism and bigotry

It’s not just Nazis and conservatives either. There is plenty of racism and bigotry in the liberal quarters. Even in the far left or the authoritarian left. It’s been pretty amusing and so rich watching the dominant culture of all stripes squirm and shudder, finally feeling a fraction of what BIPOC and other marginalized people have always known and felt from day one, as the fascist Trump administration puts them too in its sights.

And by the way – no, doesn’t hate white or non-Native people. We celebrate diverse cultures. We don’t try to homogenize them. has some amazing allies who join Native people in equality and don’t need to dominate and oppress. Of course Native culture is a bit more expressive, more sexually liberated, more foul mouthed, less colonizer religious, and understandably more pissed off than the dominant culture. Any true ally gets it, and gets it without fragility tizzies.

The case for Native ownership and moderation

All the above demands Native social media ownership and moderation as the only solution. There is no non-Native social media that can respect us. Or protect us and our Native values. Even our very lives. Not on Mastodon (Fediverse), not on Bluesky, and certainly not on Xitter or Meta social media. Native people need to control our own digital land and destiny. doesn’t get a lot of moderation reports, but when we do most of them are anti-Native and follow a similar path. No broken rules referenced, just ‘Other’. No description of the complaint, just check-marking Native posts or replies. Most likely because if you put a description to the racism, bigotry or fragility, it would sound incredibly stupid and wrong as it actually is. The moderation reports are just yet another racism, bigotry or fragility weapon. There are no valid justifications. Just dominant culture shitasses being shitasses.

The dominant culture needs to stop being so sensitive. They need to open their eyes and flush their own toilet. Stop killing and oppressing Native people. And yes, even on social media.

Native people are done with keeping our mouths shut and our culture hidden or legislated away.

#LandBack #DigitalLandBack #MMIWG2S


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Turtle Island Mastodon user recommendations

Properly setup, the Turtle Island Mastodon instance can be a far superior experience compared to corporate social media…
But it’s up to you to create your own algorithm!

There is a certain portion of new users that sign up on (or any Mastodon/Fediverse instance) that do not set up their account optimally. This likely will ensure a sub-optimal experience and before you know it, they are gone and maybe never come back.

One of the most positive aspects about Mastodon is there is no algorithm. No corporation is choosing what you see in your feed. There are no ads. The power is in your hands. You choose what to see in your feed. That said, you need to choose it. The responsibility is yours. You need to create your algorithm.

Edit your profile and bio

Many people on the Fediverse pay no attention to users with blank or minimally populated profiles. Personally, I’m thrilled to boost and promote accounts on, but will not do it until the avatar is uploaded and the bio is populated. It’s just not effective when blank or minimally populated.

1. Upload an avatar – Upload anything – just don’t leave it default.

2. Fill out the bio – To avoid confusion, as a Native/Indigenous instance, Turtle Island requests that the first line of your bio be either your Native/Indigenous Nation or Ally. Other than that it’s up to you but do add some info, it is essential. Consider what communities you may want to be a part of (or not be a part of), personal or professional. An informative bio goes a long way towards bringing you closer to your people, whoever that may be.

3. Consider adding your pronouns – The Fediverse is generally a left leaning place and your pronouns will help people respectfully address you.

Make an #Introduction post

Introduce yourself! An #Introduction post is extremely useful for others to boost (share) and get the word out that you have joined the Fediverse. Be sure your profile and bio are done first.

Follow at least 100 people and 10 hashtags

I personally follow back everyone that follows me (over 2000 people) and follow over 100 hashtags. I use lists for more specific feeds. You don’t have to do that much but do follow at least 100 people, preferably a few hundred or more. Figure out your favorite hashtags and follow those. Don’t stress out about this, just do it. It is super easy to unfollow people/hashtags and refine your follows over time.

Like (⭐️) and boost (share) regularly

The Fediverse is big on engagement. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and you will have engagement with your posts, and likely make some friends along the way.

If you do all the above, your follower count and engagement can by far exceed Twitter, Bluesky and Threads. Good luck!


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Turtle Island Native Indigenous Mastodon instance

The Mastodon instance is Native owned and operated for Native/Indigenous people and true Allies only

  • is a (Twitter-like) Mastodon instance originally established Dec 2022. User registrations are available through the ‘Create Account’ portal at

TurtleIsland.* sites are ad-free, corporate-free, bigotry-free, and culture respectful environments for Native/Indigenous people and their allies to be in community and safe spaces. Join today!

#LandBack #DigitalLandBack


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Follow on Mastodon – has a new home!

Saabe Dream by Mishiikenh Kwe
Used with permission ©Mishiikenh Kwe has moved to managed hosting

Sunday, September 10, 2023 – moved to professional Mastodon instance hosting, including a complete migration of all the users and content too. So now we can scale to thousands and thousands of users, handle unlimited celebrities or other high impact users. And no more install/upgrade/backup headaches/anxieties for me. I can totally concentrate on the community now.

This will also increase our uptime. No more hour long Wednesday snapshots. All configuration files, media and database storage are backed up daily to a remote secure object storage. In the extremely unlikely event of a system corruption, Turtle Island can be restored fresh in about an hour tops.

Ditto with system upgrades, due to the more surgical nature of the backups, upgrades will be a mere blip and not even noticeable.


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About the Servers

Turtle Island has one Mastodon Fediverse instance with two servers and one WordPress web server

  1. The Mastodon servers are in, which is professionally managed Mastodon hosting at its best. These servers (Mastodon and database servers) are scalable to virtually any number of active users, extremely reliable and the most suitable for celebrity or high demand user accounts.
  2. and are on a DigitalOcean dedicated virtual server with 2 Intel vCPU, 4GB RAM and 70GB NVMe SSD. The software is Ubuntu LinuxApacheMySQLPHP, and WordPress.

All remote server access and design work is done with Apple Mac M* Series systems. Image and graphics editing are done with GIMP and Inkscape.

All Linux and Fediverse software used is free open source. The Minamaze Pro WordPress theme is licensed. All WordPress plugins used are free versions.


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Saabe Dream by Mishiikenh Kwe
Used with permission ©Mishiikenh Kwe

About is the go to information source for all Turtle Island Internet properties, including the Mastodon instance.


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Migrating to the Turtle Island Mastodon instance

Migrating your Mastodon account to a new instance can be scary if you have never done it before, but it is relatively simple

For starters, I recommend doing this using a browser on a desktop/laptop computer. If you must use a mobile device, use a browser like Chrome, Firefox, Safari or whatever. Do not use one of the myriad of Mastodon mobile apps. At least this way you will be assured of the same basic functions as described in this tutorial.

It can be very helpful if you have the luxury of two computers, two monitors, or two browser windows (not tabs), one for your old instance and one for your new instance.

There are essentially 5 steps. These steps should be done in order. You can do these steps one after the other in a single browser, logging in and out as needed, or back and forth between two browsers, monitors or computers that you are logged into both instances at the same time.

Any amount of time can elapse between steps. Steps 1-4 perform no irreversible actions. Hopefully this guide will help relieve migration anxiety if you haven’t done this before. It really is a pretty straightforward process. Hopefully in a future version, it will become more automated, but for now this is it.

It is important to note, you cannot migrate your posts. Maybe in a future version you will be able to, but not for now. Personally, I think old posts are of negligible value. You will also gain traffic and followers from re-posting your best content. Your followers will automatically migrate. Your follows, lists, blocks, mutes, domain blocks, and bookmarks can be downloaded and re-uploaded quite easily.

The abbreviated version

1. Sign up for a new account on

2. On your old Instance/Server account:
Export/Download: follows, lists, mutes, blocks, domain blocks, bookmarks

3. On your new account:
Import/Upload: following lists, bookmarks, lists, muting list, blocking list, domain blocking list

4. Still on your new account:
Go to Account -> Moving FROM a different account
Enter old account’s handle

5. On your old Instance/Server account:
Go to Account -> Move TO another account
Enter new account’s handle

That’s it! Depending how many followers you have, it can take an hour or more for all your followers to migrate over to your account. Depending on the system resources and load, there may be freezes, slow downs, or messages. If there are, just leave it alone while it does its thing and all will be fine.

The detailed version

1. Sign up for a new account on

Go to and click the ‘Create Account’ button in the right upper side of the screen. The rest should be self-explanatory. Waiting for account approval is probably the most time consuming part of this process. Depending what time of the day/night you create an account and the availability of admins/moderators, account activation can take as little as 5 minutes or as long as multiple hours. Unfortunately as a semi-private instance, this is unavoidable to keep Nazis, bigots and other losers out. In the end you benefit.

2. On your old Instance/Server account:

From your profile page, click on ‘Preferences’ on the right lower menu. In the next screen click on ‘Import and export’ on the left menu. Be sure ‘Data export’ is highlighted on the left menu.

Now on the right side of the screen, you can click each of the CSV icons to download Follows, Lists, You block, You mute, Domain blocks, and Bookmarks (if it is more than 0) to download the files.

3. On your new account:

From your profile page, click on ‘Preferences’ on the right lower menu. In the next screen click on ‘Import and export’ on the left menu. Be sure ‘Import’ is highlighted on the left menu. You can only import one file at a time.

  • Select Import type: Following list, Bookmarks, Lists, Muting list, Blocking list, Domain blocking list.
  • Select: Merge or Overwrite. Ordinarily Merge is fine.
  • Choose file: Select file previously exported. Be sure it matches Import type selected.

4. Still on your new account:

Still in ‘Preferences’, click on ‘Account’ (above ‘Import and Export’) on the left menu. Be sure ‘Account settings’ is highlighted on the left menu.

Scroll down

Near bottom of page, in ‘Moving FROM a different account’:

  • Select ‘create an account alias’
  • Enter OLD account’s handle

5. On your old Instance/Server account:

Near bottom of page, in ‘Move TO a different account’:

  • Select ‘configure it here’


  • Enter ‘Handle of the NEW account’
  • Enter ‘Current password’ (of the OLD account you are currently logged into)
  • Ok, now here is where there is no turning back, you will not be able to use your OLD account after this. This is irreversible: ‘MOVE FOLLOWERS’

That’s it! Depending how many followers you have, it can take an hour or more for all your followers to migrate over to your account. Depending on the system resources and load, there may be freezes, slow downs, or messages. If there are, just leave it alone while it does its thing and all will be fine.

I hope this helps. If you are migrating to and still need help, don’t hesitate to reach out to me.



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Saabe Dream by Mishiikenh Kwe
Used with permission ©Mishiikenh Kwe

Note: We try to keep all copies of this document in sync, but can contain newer edits.

This is a Native/Indigenous and true Allies only instance.

To successfully register here:

If you are Native/Indigenous, when the ‘Create Account’ screen asks ‘…why you want an account on’, enter your Native/Indigenous Nation and other Fediverse account(s) to help the moderators approve your account.


If you are non-Native/Indigenous, when the ‘Create Account’ screen asks ‘…why you want an account on’, yes it’s awkward, but list reasons and other Fediverse account(s) to help the moderators approve your account.

Anything else or less specific may not get approved. Failure to do the above WILL result in your registration rejection.

You MUST read and agree to this entire document.

Mvskoke Nation citizens own and admin TurtleIsland.* instances. Native/Indigenous people and Allies moderate TurtleIsland.* instances.

If you have any official questions, reach out to one of the admins: or

Welcome to!

  • is a (Twitter-like) Mastodon instance est. Dec 2022


The Fediverse is a social media network that uses the ActivityPub protocol. TurtleIsland.* instances and other applications/network nodes (instances) are connected and communicate with each other via the Fediverse (ActivityPub) network. You only need to join one instance to like, follow, post, view and share content with the thousands of other instances in the Fediverse.


TurtleIsland.* instances are ad-free, corporate-free, bigotry-free, and culture respectful environments for Native/Indigenous people and true Allies to be in community and safe spaces.

  • Ultimately, we are helping to build an Indigenized social network.
  • We stand with our people.
  • We know and support their struggles.
  • We moderate to Indigenous standards not colonial standards.

Who? Where?

TurtleIsland.* instances accept user registrations from Native/Indigenous people and true Allies only.

How much?

TurtleIsland.* instances are 100% free. We will never charge fees or pressure anyone for donations. All expenses are paid for by the administrators and donations.

If you’d like to help with Turtle Island expenses:

If you receive Pension/Social Security/Disability or less please don’t. But if you can help Native/Indigenous Fediverse instances thrive and grow, it would be much appreciated.


TurtleIsland.* instances are small/medium sized instances due to our specialized nature.

  • TurtleIsland.* instances will never be large general purpose instances and will be Indigenized as much as possible.
  • We are federated with 99% of the Fediverse but use no relays in order to maximize content relevant to our users.

TurtleIsland.* instances believe 100% in true Native/Indigenous Nation sovereignty, physical and digital LandBack. We reject calls to assimilate into the nearly all white culture Fediverse. The whole ghettoization theory is white supremacy garbage.

Blocked instances

We now use the Oliphant Tier 0 blocklist, which is a composite of Seirdy’s Tier 0, Gardenfence, and the IFTAS DNI list, and blocks the majority of the bad actors without getting crazy aggressive. If you see anything blocked or not blocked that you believe is in error, let us know.

  • All TurtleIsland.* instances block Threads.


  • is committed to 3 months notice in the extremely unlikely event we should decide to pull the plug.

Backup and Maintenance

  • configuration files, media and database storage are backed up daily to a remote secure object storage. All other instances are backed up weekly, generally on Wednesdays at 5am CST with a full virtual server snapshot.
  • TurtleIsland.* instances may have unscheduled maintenance or upgrade events. We have over 99% uptime availability.

Data, Image and File Warranties/Guarantees

Even though there are regular backup procedures, there are no data, image and file warranties/guarantees. Images may be compressed or resized. It is user responsibility to keep copies of all data, images and files uploaded to or created on Turtle Island instances.


For voluntary migrations from to another instance, there is a 7 day period afterwards that you can download or access your content. After 7 days, there is no guarantee that anyone will be able to access your content.

Turtle Island Rules

1. These are Indigenous instances.

  • Any anti-Indigenous activity from a Turtle Island account at the sole determination of the administrators or moderators will be grounds for account(s) termination.
  • Any anti-Indigenous activity from an external instance at the sole determination of the administrators or moderators will be grounds for user blocking, report filing, and/or domain blocking/de-federation.

2. We can’t stress this enough – Absolutely no racism, anti-semitism, islamophobia, pro-genocide, pro-ethnic cleansing, pro-terrorism, pro-rape, pro-sexual assault, pro-hostage taking, pro-child abuse, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia. 95%+ of our issues fall in this category; we take this seriously.

  • Any infraction of this category from a Turtle Island account at the sole determination of the administrators or moderators will be grounds for account termination.
  • Any infraction of this category from an external instance at the sole determination of the administrators or moderators will be grounds for user blocking, report filing, and/or domain blocking/de-federation.

Extra clarity current events note:

River to Sea is ethnic cleansing and anti-Semitic. Promoting settlements in the West Bank is ethnic cleansing and Islamophobic. It doesn’t matter how many misinformed or disingenuous articles you read or who counsels you otherwise, these acts cannot be sanitized. The majority of the Jewish population will see River to Sea as ethnic cleansing and very anti-Semitic, and the majority of the Palestinian population will see settlement building in the West Bank as ethnic cleansing and very Islamophobic. These are just a couple examples that come up frequently.

You can criticize the Israeli or Palestinian governments all day and night long if you wish, but the moment you add anti-Semitic or Islamophobic material to your post, the whole post becomes anti-Semitic or Islamophobic.

Turtle Island instances officially support a two state solution in Israel/Palestine as the only realistic and fair solution for the Israeli and Palestinian peoples. Both peoples are factually Indigenous to the region by the same standards that apply to North American Indigenous peoples. If this is not clear to you, you need to go back to non-propaganda history study.

If any part of this current events note makes you chafe, Turtle Island may not be the place for you. Peace and co-existence are the only acceptable goals on Turtle Island.

3. Advertising authentic Indigenous products and genuine Indigenous businesses is allowed and encouraged.

  • Advertising fake inspired appropriated products by non-Indigenous businesses is not allowed.

4. We strongly support and encourage Mutual Aid with #IndigenousMutualAid, #SettlerSaturday and #MutualAid hashtags.

  • Requests for mutual aid must be on your original post. Requests cannot be made in unsolicited comments or private messages to other users.
  • Posts cannot tag other users, especially bulk user lists.
  • Inappropriate hashtag bombing is not allowed.
  • Guideline violations could result locally in post deletion or user suspension, or remotely in user or instance defederation.

5. No Native/Indigenous gatekeeping of accounts on Native/Indigenous instances.

  • If you have an issue with the Indigeneity of an account on an Indigenous instance, DM or email the admins and/or moderators of the instance.
  • Regardless of the opinions and seriousness of this subject or what instance a user of questionable Indigeneity may be on, immature and abusive posts, dogpiling, parody or sock puppet accounts, etc. are part of a vibe we do not want coming here from Twitter and are expressly not allowed.
  • None of this is to say the Pretendian subject is forbidden, but keep it mature please.

6. Promotion of Right-Wing, Conservative, Republican, Fascist, Nazi or other equally stupid political views is not allowed.

  • If moral deficiency is your inclination, go somewhere else.

7. This goes against Turtle Island’s preferences, but in acquiescence to Fediverse community standards, NSFW content requires Content Warnings (CWs). Nudity, porn or gratuitous violence requires CWs. Turtle Island does not require CWs for other types of content. If you are in doubt, please ask. Generally speaking though, if you are easily offended, Turtle Island may not be the place for you.

8. Any other issues not covered by these rules will be settled by the sole determination of the administrators or moderators.

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