Turtle Island Mastodon user recommendations

Properly setup, the Turtle Island Mastodon instance can be a far superior experience compared to corporate social media…
But it’s up to you to create your own algorithm!

There is a certain portion of new users that sign up on TurtleIsland.social (or any Mastodon/Fediverse instance) that do not set up their account optimally. This likely will ensure a sub-optimal experience and before you know it, they are gone and maybe never come back.

One of the most positive aspects about Mastodon is there is no algorithm. No corporation is choosing what you see in your feed. There are no ads. The power is in your hands. You choose what to see in your feed. That said, you need to choose it. The responsibility is yours. You need to create your algorithm.

Edit your profile and bio

Many people on the Fediverse pay no attention to users with blank or minimally populated profiles.

1. Upload an avatar – Upload anything – just don’t leave it default.

2. Fill out the bio – To avoid confusion, as a Native/Indigenous instance, Turtle Island requests that the first line of your bio be either your Native/Indigenous Nation or Ally. Other than that it’s up to you but do add some info, it is essential. Consider what communities you may want to be a part of (or not be a part of), personal or professional. An informative bio goes a long way towards bringing you closer to your people, whoever that may be.

3. Consider adding your pronouns – The Fediverse is generally a left leaning place and your pronouns will help people respectfully address you.

Make an #Introduction post

Introduce yourself! An #Introduction post is extremely useful for others to boost (share) and get the word out that you have joined the Fediverse. Be sure your profile and bio are done first.

Follow at least 100 people and 10 hashtags

I personally follow back everyone that follows me (over 2000 people) and follow over 100 hashtags. I use lists for more specific feeds. You don’t have to do that much but do follow at least 100 people, preferably a few hundred or more. Figure out your favorite hashtags and follow those. Don’t stress out about this, just do it. It is super easy to unfollow people/hashtags and refine your follows over time.

Like (⭐️) and boost (share) regularly

The Fediverse is big on engagement. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and you will have engagement with your posts, and likely make some friends along the way.

If you do all the above, your follower count and engagement will by far exceed Twitter, Bluesky and Threads. Good luck!


Follow on Mastodon – TurtleIsland.social/@Yehuda
Follow on Mastodon – TurtleIsland.social/@Tzipporah
Follow on Mastodon – TurtleIsland.social/@Hvresse
Follow on Mastodon – TurtleIsland.social/@Dillyd