Welcome to TurtleIsland.blog

Saabe Dream by Mishiikenh Kwe
Used with permission ©Mishiikenh Kwe https://www.instagram.com/mishiikenhkwe

Welcome to TurtleIsland.blog!

Welcome to this brand new NGINX web server. It has been running great so far, much much better than Apache. Still working on optimum configurations though. The content from IndigenousCreatives.social has been moved here, and much new content is planned.

Consider this site your go to place for TurtleIsland.social and TurtleIsland.art information, Native-Indigenous education and news.

#ChangeTheName #AntiIndigenous #Apache

So glad to be getting rid of racist jerks Apache Software Foundation products. Appropriation of Native people and names for products is not cool. I’m glad I have a better option. Sorry, I took this long to completely ditch Apache software.

I have used Apache since sometime in the 2nd half of the 1990’s. I had to compile it myself for whatever version of Unix at that time. Software distribution has come a long way since those days, ha! So here we are – NGINX moving forward.

#LEMP #Ubuntu #NGINX #MySQL #PHP #Webserver #Native #Indigenous #NDN #NativeMastodon #IndigenousMastodon #LandBack #InstanceBack #TurtleIsland #TurtleIslandSocial #TurtleIslandArt #TurtleIslandBlog

Yehuda and the Turtle Island Social/Art/Blog Team

P.S. Turtle Island Internet properties do not sell anything or charge fees. Turtle Island Internet properties are volunteer led and donation financed.

Follow on Mastodon – TurtleIsland.social/@Yehuda
Follow on Mastodon – TurtleIsland.social/@Tzipporah
Follow on Mastodon – TurtleIsland.social/@Hvresse